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"Snapshot of the season": Herb Walk and Medicine Making

Come meet your plant neighbors! Join Sophie Cassel of Patchwork Plant Medicine for a luscious medicinal plant walk around the Plan Do Club fields and wild edges. We'll meet and identify commonly found herbs and their many healing properties. We'll blend some of these freshly-gathered plants with apple cider vinegar and honey to create medicinal and delicious herbal vinegars, called oxymels. This method of medicine making creates a "snapshot" of the seasonal landscape, and is an excellent way to begin deepening your medicine making practice. Participants will take home their a custom jar of vinegar medicine. 

Sophie is a community and clinical herbalist working along the Winooski River in northwest Vermont. She focuses on bioregional plant medicine, cultivating gardens and harvesting wildly abundant plants in service of networks of resilience and reliance between plants and people. Learn more about her clinical practice at

Register for this workshop using the link below! Tickets are offered on a sliding scale at $25, $35, and $45 for this incredible offering.

July 8

GROUNDED: Vermont Gravel Ride Farm Tour & Barn Dinner

August 19

GROUNDED: Vermont Gravel Ride Farm Tour & Barn Dinner